When you have as much to get done as we do (and there is still so much to do!) it’s helpful to look back every now and then and remember how far we have come. Nate has been tirelessly working on the studio the past few weeks, but one thing we didn’t tackle alone was the huge metal roof. The pieces are just too heavy to safely navigate alone at that slope. So we called back our amazing Amish crew who helped us tear down a large (dangerous) barn last fall. They are a such a cheerful, fun group to work with. They don’t normally allow pics to be taken of themselves, but they laughed and said since it’s a photography studio, they were game! (p.s. I like it that Nate is pictured with the Amish guys. He could have been Amish if I had not roped him into marital bliss early in life…)
The before pics of the barn; Nate had to re-frame every single wall to account for all the new windows and doors. Underneath rotting particle board, we found 100 year old barn wood siding, and carefully saved it to re-purpose as an interior rustic wall of the studio.
The guy in the tee shirt is their driver – super nice guy as well.
Ready for wood siding that matches the farmhouse!