My website is loaded with whole a lotta beautiful images – and the farm truly is a peaceful, remarkable place. But that’s not the whole story. We bought the farm 7 years ago in bank foreclosure and when we look back at the images of the early days, I wonder if we had more vision than sanity. We had z e r o concept of what we were getting into. (Kinda like parenting, am i right??) It was the right choice – but I think fear would have kept us from making the right choice if we had known everything.
Do you ever fall into the trap of only seeing what still needs doing instead of looking at how far you’ve already come? I live in the (overwhelming) world of “what broken thing do we tackle next?” But looking back helps me remember the truth – that we have done a lot. That we are part of a story of pulling something of out of the ashes; and those are my favorite stories – the beauty from messes stories.