When you can’t go wrong

Contrary to what you may imagine a farm pond to be, our farm pond is fed by a natural spring that is always filling it.  It has a spillway, and flows underground to a stream that heads north.  Some past owner of the farm hauled over many loads of sand from the nearby white sand dune on our land; and so instead of muck, we have a beach.  That past owner engineered a brilliant place, and my kids swim there every day the weather is remotely temperate.  We are thankful, thankful, thankful.  All this to say, we have a beloved beach, and I often plan for summer shoots to happen there.

Knowing Julia, and her decorating style that is based on clean lines and a love of white, we planned for her maternity session to reflect her style. When she arrived with her husband and 3 girls in white sundresses, I got excited.  Sometimes, the light, the clouds, and the sweet children are exactly as you hoped they would be.  Sometimes, you just can’t go wrong, and this was one of those shoots.  The girls were tender towards each other, helping their camera-shy youngest sister to warm to the experience.  This baby will be welcomed into so many loving arms!  It was the loveliest of evenings, with the loveliest of families.


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