So you may have caught my brief FB post that our farmhouse has bats. Like 50!, which we learned is a large colony for Michigan. Rob Mies from the Cranbrook Institute for Bat Conservation contacted us, offered to help, and asked if we would be up for an NPR environment report story. Um, yes and yes.
First things first – Rob is famous. Who else have I ever hung out with that has been a guest on Conan and Martha? Exactly zero other people. His kindness in offering to help us with our bat issue was so unexpected and generous! We were floored. (Witness his fame in the link below.)
Late Night ‘Rob Mies & His Vampire Bat Friends!
We spent the afternoon discovering all of our bat entrances and learning what to do about them. Rob brought us two large bat houses to install, and showed us how to move forward. The process is simple, time-consuming, and worth it. We are happy to humanly remove these bats; they will do us so much good for years to come! But we learned bats can enter a hole the size of nickle and we have a lot of metaphorical nickles. So Nate is in the process of closing up our many holes, caulking and getting ready for eviction day. In the meantime, Rob asked us to come to the Bat Festival in Ann Arbor this weekend, and NPR is meeting us there for a follow up interview. We are looking forward to it! Join us and meet Rob and his live bats. I’m happy to meet bats anywhere other than my living room. Thank you Rob! (and to my sweet husband who is doing all the grunt work of getting them into their new home)! Our NPR story will air around Halloween. I’ll keep you posted.