Amy's Story - How we landed on a farm….
My husband and I used to live an adventurous life. We worked and lived for 3 months at an orphanage in Guatemala. We spent an entire summer traveling in Africa. We took teens on long backwoods canoe trips into northern Canada.
And then we began the adventure of parenting... which was the main event in terms of adventure for about 13 years! During those 13 years we dreamed of moving out of the city.... but it was a dream we didn't quite have the courage to move on.
At some point, it dawned on us that we were raising our kids, telling them they could make their dreams happen with courage, faith, and hard work - all while we were modeling sitting scared in the city. So in 2013, we decided it was time to flip that narrative and risk much for a dream... we took a leap and landed on 70 acres!
It has not been without worry and fear - it has not always felt "safe" to do this, but it does feel right. And I know that I will never regret modeling a life of courage, even if taking a risk involves some failures.
I can't do Life Solo...
...and absolutely love surrounding myself with people whose gifts outshine my own. I am joined by 5 strong women who I admire and depend on - and specializing in this way, we each have the joy of doing the work that we are most gifted for & passionate about.
I care so much about not just the quality of your images, but the quality of your experience. Each of the women on my team were chosen not only for extraordinary talent, but for the exceptional way they engage with people. They bring the calm... the playful... the style... the energy that make AKP what it is!
& Owner}
{Client Manager,
Products & Design}
My Idea is Simple…
....take unforced photos of real experiences. At the farm studio, you will find few "props" and certainly no fake backdrops. What you will find are countless objects and locations of understated beauty. There are animals, a great farm swing, 70 acres of woods, meadows, a pond... you get the idea. Real places, real memories.
Maybe you are ready for a new photo experience, or maybe you're looking to stretch creatively, and try one of our workshops or retreats to learn something new. Whatever brings you to the farm, we want to welcome you like family and help you discover a new photography experience.