
I’m warning you that this is me trying not to be sappy about my beloved state.  This weekend, my man and I got away (sans kiddos, and God bless all four grandparents) to the distant U.P.  Now I’ve been to African plains, and the remote mountains of Guatemala, and the sandy beaches of Jamaica all to say that Michigan wins.  Not that it’s a race.  But we still win.  I’m a sucker for fall colors, and waterfalls –  and honestly the water of Jamaica was not nearly as blue as Lake Superior yesterday.  We rode horses, stayed in a log cabin, ate “Pasties” and hiked to a hidden white sand beach.   Skies were bright blue and fall color up there was in all of it’s glory.  This is Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, and tomorrow is Tahquamenon Falls.  So here’s my salute to Michigan, and to my adventurous, funny, still-waters-run-deep husband.



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